Upcoming Events

Church Thanksgiving Dinner

In lieu of our regular Wednesday Night Connect for November 20, we are instead hosting our Church Thanksgiving Dinner! Everyone is welcome, and feel free to bring along guests! We plan to have a traditional spread, with Turkey and all the fixin's, and of course there will be pies and sweets.

Save the date: 5:30PM November 20 in the Fellowship Hall.

Women's Shelter Donations
Methodist Women

Our Methodist Women are collecting donation items for the Hays County Women's Center to provide to the women who seek security and safety, often after leaving everything behind. To provide them with a sense of normalcy and humanity while they experience a difficult time in their lives, our Methodist Women seek to provide the items often left behind that make life more than just survival.

With this in mind, we ask that donations focus on quality rather than quantity. Items to donate include:
Small Gift Cards (~10$) for any local business
Purses & Wallets - Small - Totes & Luggage - Combs & Brushes
Socks, Gloves, Warm Hats, & Coats - Snacks in Sealed Original Packaging
Perfume, Toiletries, & Makeup - Jewelry & Scarves
Donations will be accepted in Todd Hall.
Look for the boxes marked "Items for Women's Shelter"

Youth Christmas Lights Assistance

On December 1 our Youth will be doing their Christmas Light Fundraiser.  If you need help pulling boxes out of the attic or the garage, setting up your Christmas tree, or hanging lights up outside (within reasonable heights) please let Pastor Bonnie know so she can get your home on the schedule. Donations made will help cover the cost of Midwinter and UMARMY.

Welcome Center

Please come join us each week at the Welcome Center where visitors and members connect with coffee and breakfast foods! It is a great way to meet people and learn how you can get further involved in the community and our ministries.

Join us this Sunday between our 8:30 and 11am services in Todd Hall.

9:30 to 10am, Sundays in Todd Hall.

Food Distribution

Join us at 1pm on the second and forth Tuesday of every month downstairs in the Education Building if you would like to help us as we partner with the Hays County Food Bank to help serve those in need in our community.

Need help?

Go to the Fumcsm Community Engagement Facebook Page and send them a direct message before the date of the food distribution to find out what you need to do to sign up.

NOTICE: The food bank does have other locations available for picking up food during this week. These include:

· Hays County Food Bank, 220 Herndon Street,
 Every Monday 4 PM – 6 PM

· El Buen Pastor, 209 E. Grove Street,
  Every Tuesday 1 PM – 3 PM

· Salvation Army, 300 S. CM Allen Parkway,
  Every Thursday 1 PM – 3 PM (or until supplies last)

· Bobcat Bounty, W. Sessom Drive at Academy Street
  (Family & Consumer Building, Room 179)

  Pre- Register at

Text to Give

Sometimes we feel called to give, but it's not convinient.  We don't always have access to our checkbook, cash, or even a card.  We almost always have our phones though.

We have a Text-to-Give Option available for giving to our church!

It is quick and easy to set up, and you can give once or set up recurring payments if you'd like.  

If you text (855) 485-1827 you will receive information on how to directly set up giving on your phone.  

Minimum $5 donation per payment.

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